Saturday, September 13, 2014

Large Families and Stuff

This morning while standing in line at a local fruit and veggie co-op I had an incredibly enlightening conversation.  Or not.  It just drove home what I already knew actually!  We are blessed in Helena to have many like-minded Catholic families that we count among our friends.  This being said, our kiddos consider the average American family with 1.87 children the anomaly, not us.  Since I had a baby in tow it opened up a conversation with the women around me.  One individual asked if this was my first. Shannon is always telling me that I assume the worst, so this time I chose to believe she only asked  because I look so young!  When I stated it was our eighth, she asked me what the age difference was between the oldest and youngest. By this time more people were turning to get in on the conversation.  When she learned our oldest was in college, she turned up the heat on her interrogation. 

Now, I must interject that I like to know as much about people as the next person and have been horribly guilty of interrogating acquaintances into discomfort a time or two.  This was definitely just punishment.  

"Where did she graduate from highschool?" 

"Heh, heh.  We homeschool," I replied.  I should have told her that it was Seton College Prep School and the conversation would have probably ended.  

This devolved into a discussion about larger families and how the olders help care for the youngers as if this robs them of their childhood.  Frankly, I believe that's one of the problems in society today. We remain in a perpetual state of childhood, never rising above the state of adolescence.  

Now more people had drawn in close to witness this spectacle that had sprouted a second head in their presence, "Where is your daughter going to college?" another asked.  

"Carroll," I smiled.

"Is she living in the dorms?"

Then, I lied, "Yes, she's living in the dorms." 

"Oh, what a marvelous experience for her!"
"They learn so much in the dorms," another lady chimed in that, from her appearance, had learned a lot from college life.

At this point I should have just smiled and nodded, but no, "They sure do learn a lot, for better or worse.  She probably didn't need to learn the details of the marijuana pen, but, yeah, it's been a marvelous experience."  

Abrupt change of conversation, "Oh! Look at the puppy!"  

Mind you, not one person had peeked at Max, but a dog, oh my! Have I mentioned how I really don't like dogs?  It's mostly because people think their dogs equally as important as people.  And they slobber. At this moment, however, I was delighted to see the mutt, just for a change of focus.  

After the dog left, the conversation resumed, darn it.  This time I did choose to stand silently with a smile on my face.  But then the most vocal individual said matter-of-factly, "Many of my children's friends came from families of three or four, you know, larger families like yours." 

And I couldn't resist, "Right. Three. Eight.  What's the difference?"  BUT, to my credit, I wore a genuine smile.  How lost we are, but how blessed I am to know first-hand the joys of having this at-times-chaotic crew surrounding me.  It's crazy to be sure.  Sometimes I'd like to quit my job.  But at the end of the day all that really matters is that these eight kiddos grow to know, love and serve Him. By the grace of God, they will infuse a new generation with something more than what we have now, breathing life into those they come into contact with, as I so often fail to do!  

                  An evening with cousins at a local motel, courtesy of Grams ~ 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Little Max

I read an article yesterday of a young couple celebrating the life of their pre-born son, despite the likelihood of him living being slim.   Instantly, I was transported to a year ago, sitting at the classroom table, tears silently running down my cheeks.  Shannon was hunting and had called in to check up.  We talked about our little Maximilian and cried together over the phone. Reading the article, I can only imagine the moments this young couple has spent in tears, yet they continue to give witness to life.  At that moment a year ago, I could not imagine what a perfect gift Max would be.   Leaning over his crib last night after a particularly rough day, I commented on how footloose we all were before his arrival, Shannon reminded me that, yes, life was a lot easier, but now it's much richer.  And he has enriched our lives, over and over and over, even at 2:00 in the morning!

Hanging out on the 4th of July with Theresa ~

A birds-eye view from Daddy's shoulders ~

Preventing Michaela from sleeping too long while sunbathing ~

Mmmm ~ basil stems ~

Hanging out while my brothers fish ~

"I hate this blasted Ergo!"

"Really, Nickles.  This food tastes awful!"

"Now we're talkin'!"

"Katherine, you're my hero!  
I mean, who needs healthy food, when cake batter is available?"

"Is everyone singing to me?"
(Michaela's b-day)

Brothers ~

Learning how to crawl ~

"This is exhausting!"

~ Pure gift ~

Thursday, September 4, 2014

August Funnies

Katherine and I were working in the kitchen when out of the blue she asks, "Mom, do you have to go to college to start a still?"

Dom while planning his birthday, which thankfully is not until January, asks, "Mom, does seafood fettuccine go with corn dogs? It doesn't?  Then, I'll have corn dogs, pizza, mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets....and I guess some salad."
I have a sneaky suspicion the salad is only to placate his mother, not because it's a beloved food. 

Driving with Nickles today he yells, "MOM, wook at dis!" I glanced over to see him pushing all his skin in his bicep area up as far as humanly possible.  
"They are weally huge!"

Katherine and I were chatting at lunch about relationships and the fact that a teacher at a local school thought that the students would begin dating if they had swing dance lessons. Later she stated, "Did you know that Lena says that boys will fight, actually with their fists, over a girl?" 
This revelation completely staggered her imagination.  
The fall of man, Katherine, is often a woman!

Kath and Eric went to check one of our game cams, returning home absolutely breathless.  A bear had run out in front of them.  Eric ran behind Katherine and dove for the ground.  Katherine, being the collected soul she typically is, raised her arms in the air and yelled while keeping an eye on the bear.  When she looked around for Eric, she found him lying in the bushes behind her.  Shannon told Eric he will have to hunt that bear all season to try and recover his dignity.

Max's first haircut

Despite Max and I being in pj's, and egg all over his face, I decided that the best time for a haircut is when I have the clippers in my hand, otherwise I procrastinate forever! 

Mom always said the eyes are the lamp of the soul.
His eyes sure sparkle now!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday Michaela!

You're so special,
Oh so special.
God gave You to Us!
It's no wonder that we love you so!

Can it be?  18 years?  Frankly, I cannot believe that you are no longer my little two-year-old running around with Steven, hatching up heaven-knows-what plan.  You have grown into a beautiful young lady, thinking of others, loving life, and always wanting to do the next-right-thing.  I'm watching as you strive to serve God and others in the little ways, despite it being the road less traveled.

As you enter into this next phase of life ~ the big world of being an adult ~ always remember that it's okay to still be a child at heart!  Jump off that bridge, sleep outdoors, ride your bike fast, sit on Daddy's lap (it's okay, he can handle being squished), run through the rain, go sledding, race Bonny Blue.  Let all the gifts that we have been given soak into your the very bottom. Continue to ask yourself, what is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?  

Sometimes you have felt that you haven't done much that is important.  As Mother Teresa said, "Be faithful in the small things because it is in them your strengths lie."  Who cares what others may think!  And remember what Daddy says, "We don't try, we do!"

I love you today and always...and one more note ~ remember, we are always here for you!


Your first friend at Carroll, Theda, was able to join us.
Annika was so excited to meet a "real German girl." 

Whew ~ 18 candles! 
After your incident at PT, I'm surprised you blew them all out ~:o)

Oh, I see, Joshie helped you!

A dufflebag from Katherine ~

Happy birthday to you!