Saturday, September 5, 2015

Archery Camp and Ousel Falls

Long-ago, in the month of August, Katherine and Eric attended an archery camp near Big Sky. They won the camp earlier in the spring, and Shannon thought it would be a fun opportunity for them, as well as educational.  I was a bit reticent.  I didn't know anything about the organization or the people that were facilitating the camp, but since the kids were going together, I reluctantly agreed.  

They borrowed a small tent from Grandpa, packed their backpacks and we drove them down to the hills below the ski hill.  The scenery was amazing and as they pitched their tent among the other campers I knew they were going to have a fantastic time.  I was a bit concerned that Eric would have to cuddle up with Katherine at night due to the fact that he had decided that he didn't need warm clothing.

Their four days at camp sped by, and although they froze one day they enjoyed getting to know other future archers from around the country.  Some had even traveled from Connecticut to spend a weekend in the wild.  They had packed their recently acquired Catholic sweatshirts and were able to evangelize a bit, which was their intention upon including them on their clothing list.  They are much braver than I often am!  

Eric won 1st place in his archery division, which I attribute to his new glasses.  Katherine was selected as a future camp counselor due to her organization and leadership skills.  We picked them up Sunday afternoon exhausted but happy and ready to return next year.  Of course, they would like a few friends to accompany them next year!  

Big Sky country at its finest ~

Ready for camp to begin ~

We walked into Ousel Falls on our way home.  
Typically when we are searching for waterfalls they are a bit more remote and there isn't a marked trail head.  We ended up driving past the parking lot a couple times before we realized this was a simple waterfall to locate.  While the falls were beautiful, there were so many people that it wasn't quite as much fun as usual....people frown on several kiddos swimming and wading around when they are there for the scenery!

I'm not sure that Eric and Kathering have been so glad to see sunshine as they were on Sunday.
The day prior it had rained, keeping them huddled around fires when they weren't our shooting their bows on the archery range.

First place among the intermediate archers ~ and a $50 gift certificate.

Completely tuckered out ~
You can thank me for this picture in 20 years, Eric.

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