My boys were equally gloomy. They arrived in my bedroom with their chins quivering. Their plans for the day had been completely ruined. Fishing was out of the question, as was building a new fort/hunting blind so they could shoot at rockchucks with their newly acquired bows. (Don't worry, any animal is perfectly safe with my boys on the business end of a weapon.)
The day was salvaged when Daddy brought home a new poker set and taught the kids the finer points of bluffing. For the record, Eric is a horrid bluffer....hopefully he will get better before he actually plays with money or he will have to perfect the virtue of detachment!
Today definitely is looking up. I can already hear the wheels turning in Eric & Joshie's brains. What are they going to do with such a wonderful day??? Especially since they are a day behind on their summer vacation plans! Look out rockchucks.....