Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Funny Stuff

While rocking little Nickles to sleep the other night and singing to Annika and Dom, Annika nonchalantly states, "When I went flying with Grandpa we stole a car so we could go get breakfast." 


Then, I got the rest of the story out of her.  It wasn't as bad as it sounded ~ the car was a borrowed one that was parked at the airport just for that purpose.  But it made me laugh, as do all the stories that my kiddos come home with after spending time with Grandpa.  It instantly takes me back to my childhood with all my uncles and grandfathers.  They liked a good joke and were rarely serious.  Some may say that this lack of sincerity is not healthy, and I will heartily disagree!  I loved it. 

Annika's story reminded me of when Michaela was about 8 years old and came home from (guess what?) a flight with Grandpa.  He has his own plane and the kids love flying with him because it may mean flying to a small town and having breakfast somewhere exotic, which means anywhere but home.  Upon her return she says, "When you stick your thumb up in the air like this (demonstration) it means you want a ride somewhere and people will pick you up." 


Speaking of flying, we think Nickles looks like a little aviator in these goggles....like a World War II era aviator.  Maybe the lifejacket detracts from the look, but it could kinda be a Mae West!

Then there was Joshie's story.  He went shopping this morning with me and told me about all the acrobatics that Grandpa does in his plane...that was just an extreme exaggeration on Josh's part.  From his stories one would think that Grandpa was a one-man flying circus. 
But he did tell me about the time Grandpa fried frog legs for him, "They were so good, just like hotdogs.  I think that is what they make hotdogs out of.......frog legs."  Mind you, we're talkin' frog legs from the little bitty frogs Joshie loves catching so much.  Ugh.  You know, there are some things I just don't want to know! 

And finally, a find that I couldn't pass up ~ Michaela was encouraging the purchase strongly ~ it's all her fault that I wasted the five bucks.  It is now hanging happily on our front door.
May make people think twice before knocking!

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