Thursday, December 13, 2012


These last couple weeks have been so crazy busy.  Advent is here and I love the evenings too much to interrupt them to sit down and record our days.  But if I don't write them down I will forget and they will be lost forever!

Michaela just completed a speech class at the local college.  As we had hoped it was a good introduction to college and a successful experience.  She had a fellow Catholic homeschooler with her in class. They were able to support one another in a culture that can be slightly anti-anything good!

One of the final days, she and Colton were leaving the classroom and were talking about family.  Michaela was talking about being from a family of seven children.  A girl overheard her and remarked how unfair to a child for anyone to have that many siblings. Now, things are certainly far from perfect in our household.  Most days it is downright chaotic, but  Michaela turned right around and informed her that she loved having that many brothers and sisters and that she was rooting for at least one more.  Then Colton backed her up and told the girl that while he was from a family of four, that was simply too small for his liking!

I was proud.  As a homeschooling mother I often fear that I shelter my kiddos too much and that they will be afraid to speak for themselves when they leave home.  This allayed some of my concerns, at least for one child!

Sewing at Grandma's...Michaela's favorite hobby!

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