Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Almost everything Dom says lately has a funny twist to it.  We don't want him to think he is a comedian, then he would try to be funny thus losing the hilarity of the moment.
His frank statements, coupled with the fact that he still doesn't pronounce many of his letters well leaves us holding back laughter til we can leave the room.

"Mom, can we sell the suburban and buy a mustang?"
"Dom, a mustang would only fit two people in the back seat and there are seven kids in this family."
"Oh, it's okay Mom.  We can just squish.  They are a wot faster."

Upon seeing Josh's cat, Squirt, pass away.  The hope was that Bella and Squirt would have babies and we could have a cat farm....Heaven help us!
"Well, I guess now we are going to have to mate dogs."

While watching me touch-up paint around the house.
"Mom, can we paint our house awesomer?"
"Like what, Dom?"
"Wike with fwames and lightening and stuff....yeah, that would be way awesomer."

Loading up in the suburban to go swimming.
"Dad, can I just call you goofy?"

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