Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eric the Mighty Hunter

Eric took Hunter's Safety this weekend.  He was so excited to complete his hunting "schoolwork" the week prior.  He'd book through any regular school just so he could sit down and read through the hunting manual in preparation for weekend classes.

Shannon would review his answered questions in the evening, then go over any that he didn't feel were answered quite correctly.  Thank heavens he reviewed them. One question contained a list of items from which Eric had to select three items that he would place in a survival kit.  He chose a pocketknife, water and SOAP.  What self respecting mountain man even knows what soap is and how does it aid survival?

Well, that wasn't the worst of it.  Eric returned home Saturday evening to inform us that a girl in his class that had broken both her forearms had whipped him handily in a laser shooting contest.  Shannon about tipped over.  His son, his firstborn son at that, had been beat by a girl in a most masculine contest, and not just any girl, but a girl with two broken arms!  Eric, however, was unfazed, he was having fun.

He received his certificate only missing one on his exam.  (his sister's received perfect scores on their exams so he was feeling slightly competitive)  This was a huge relief for his mother, as she knows his tendency is to only read half a question prior to answering it.  But what made us most proud is when one of his teachers came over to tell us she had never met such a kind boy in all her years with children.  She told us of him recognizing a few children within the class that were shy, of his reaching out to them.  And how when an older man kept dropping his hat, mitts or whatever, Eric immediately grabbed them before the older gentleman had to bend over. She simply spoke of his overall respect to everyone in the class.
That made me prouder than any perfect score or badge he may have received!

Waiting for Eric to finish his test ~


Eric can now join the ranks of hunters in the family this fall ~
He's already perfected the art of a tall tale, so he should fit right in!

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