Saturday, February 22, 2014


Checking out at the grocery store today the checker began telling me his life story.
"Why, oh Lord, do people feel compelled to tell me everything about their private life.  Please, Holy Spirit, tell me how to respond, if at all." 

When he began telling me how he wished he would have made some contraception decisions earlier in life and how his wife was so happy when he finally made said decisions.......and on and on and on, I couldn't bite my tongue any longer.
"My husband's mantra was 'Two, one or none' when we first married.  Now we have eight!"  

His response was the typical, oh-so-surprising, "Don't you know what causes that?"  

Sharp and witty retorts almost escaped my lips, but like Shannon always says, this was an evangelization opportunity, not a roasting opportunity.  Theresa was on my mind, today is the anniversary of her death, but I was thinking of how she died with family surrounding her.  
"How lonely our life would be without our children.  Think what it would be like to die alone! And yes, my husband does know what causes children.  Why do you think we have so many?"

He completely stopped his silly conversation and looked at me, "It would be lonely, wouldn't it?" 

Yes, indeed it would!


  1. Theresa would be proud of her big sister! Great answer, Allison; how lucky you are to be surrounded by such a great family. loveyoumeanit!

  2. that's great Allison! love it.
    I love your pic on top....i feel like i am there...wish i was there. :)
