Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Father Stu

Stacy mentioned a couple months ago that we should get pictures of Max with Fr. Stu.  He is Max's godfather and prayed so hard for Max before he was born.  While it seemed like an awesome idea, it took me a while to get around to getting it done.  We went up there last Sunday ~ looking at these pictures my heart is sad, yet glad at the same time.  It's bittersweet knowing that, short of a miracle, Max will never know Father.  He has blessed my life in so many ways.

Thank you, Stacy, for helping this happen!

Thank you, Father, for your friendship.
It has meant more than....well, more than anything I can express!

Maximo must know whose lap he is on ~

Father is always trying to make funny faces at Max,
but little Max really isn't sure what to think!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea - and what precious pictures. That smile makes me tear a little - really just so beautiful!
