Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February Funnies

The older boys were sitting around the table playing Apples to Apples with some new friends. The definition they had was "dirty."  Eric played his "lawyer" card, much to the other boys' dismay.
"Wait a minute! Our Dad is a lawyer and he's a good man!" 
I had some quick talking to do on that one.  Thankfully, their mother found it hilarious.  

While playing Trouble, Nickles informed me, "We're going youngest to oldest.  Me first."

Dom, Nickles and I were playing Chinese Checkers and Nickles was a running monologue. I kept trying to redirect him back to the game, but he was playing by his own rules.  He announced to no one in particular, "Mom just can't stand the sound of my voice." 
I hadn't expressed that, but he was incredibly intuitive that night!

Max's favorite place to play is the bathroom.
Of course I swallowed my disgust to snap a couple pics. 

His siblings have discovered that if they stick something on Max's forehead, 
he'll wear it proudly til it falls off.  
This has included produce stickers, Easter egg stickers, floor protectors (from the bottom of a chair).....and the list goes on. 

My new friend ~ Captain America meets The Lone Ranger
I couldn't help sliding the Smirnoff into the picture.

Nickles' little friend doesn't find him nearly as hilarious as he thinks he is.
"Dude, you're downright weird."


  1. Glad to see these made it up - I was worried February hadn't been a funny month at your house. Love the pictures and stories!

    1. Oh Tori ~ February was the longest month of the year and I could hardly find anything funny in anything. March is goin to be an awesome month! Hope all is well down south!
