Sunday, November 13, 2011


Shannon loves Christmas.  He loves waiting til a couple days before Christmas and then buying presents.
He loves planning and shopping, shopping and planning, then finally, purchasing each present.
While I enjoy gift giving as much as he, it is different.  All year long I listen to what the kids want, try to record it, then buy a couple things that they have requested or that I know they will enjoy.
Our difference mainly lies in the fact that I want to be done with the purchases by Thanksgiving and he thinks the best sales are at the last minute.
Yesterday, with snowflakes falling, it felt like Christmas.  Upon mentioning getting some shopping done, for reasons yet unknown, Shannon AGREED to go shopping with me.  We perused through the stores in search of perfect gifts, and this, all before the middle of November!
It is wonderful, it is blissful ~ there are presents purchased, wrapped and stowed away just ready to be placed under our tree.
It is the best present ever...he doesn't have to get any presents for me!
I cannot wait for Advent, actually having the freedom to prepare my heart for Christmas without thoughts of purchasing gifts crowding meditation time.
Baking cookies with all the cherubs will be so much sweeter knowing that I have extra time.

Thank you, Shannon, for this Christmas gift...this December will be so peaceful you'll want to shop early every year!

Again, no rhyme or reason, just pictures of everyday life ~ the ordinary that makes me smile ~

Nickles with cousin Pierce...I do not even want to know what they are thinking.

Another late night snack for my bread lovers, cheesy bread and cinnamon toast

Kath's first deer ~ she was so excited.

The older girls were gone tonight so dinner dishes were left to Eric, Joshie & Annika.
They worked so happily together, singing songs from The Sound of Music.
I'm their mother, so I may be a bit partial, but they sound darn good!

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