Or roll my eyes.
It seems to be used in conversations about pedicures and manicures and hair treatments and spas.
As women we often don't take time to refresh our souls and thus, somehow, we believe that we need these extra treatments in order to be whole.
Not that there is anything inherently wrong with the aforementioned special treatments, in moderation.
This week has been insane.
Actually the last two weeks.
No, no, no, realistically the last ten years....oh never mind.
It seems it is a law of nature that when we are really busy things happen to make our household even crazier. We butchered two elk this week, along with everything else that is going on right now. Butchering always entails a lot of clean-up, which means a lot more laundry.
It was Friday and we were breathing a collective sigh of relief that the week was over...just one more subject to finish for the day.
I called all the kids in for history and we were half way through reading the lesson when Michaela came in and asked why there was water coming through the laundry door and into the kitchen.
Turns out Eric had left the water running in the laundry room ~ and plugged the drain.
We had water running through all the cupboards, as well as leaking through the basement ceiling and out the can lights.
Out came all the towels in our entire house, and the laundry began again.
Looking at the bright side, the laundry room was thoroughly cleaned.
So, this morning Shannon knew that I needed some time to myself and he passed up going to a football game so I could have time to renew and restore my scattered soul! He purchased a membership at a new gym a month ago and this was the first time I was able to go and swim by myself.
When the kids are with me it is fun but a bit harried.
Today was delicious.
I swam and swam and swam ~ then swam some more.
I even had time to spend a few minutes in the sauna ~:o)
After that there was time for Adoration as well as all the grocery shopping for the week.
It was the best "Me time" ever!
The pictures are totally unrelated, but happiness that I do want to remember in the years to come.
Not just my flooded house!
Dr. Annika, giving her more-than-willing-brother M&Ms medicine.
Watching Cars 2 with Father Stu
Nickles and Tristen scouting out the deer
Butchering ~ man, were they dedicated!
This shirt cracks me up ~ it just fits Dom's personality so well!
For you, Theresa, a little bit of snow!
The camera added about 20 lbs to me or maybe it was the 20-40 cookies I ate. Shannon