Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Best Day ~

Joshie informed me first thing the other morning, "Today is going to be the best day of your life, Mom!"

I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen!

It was a typical day, absolutely nothing extraordinary.  It crossed my mind throughout the day what Joshie had meant.  The day was filled with schoolwork, visiting the neighbor's farm, cuddling a new baby lamb, discussing names for the lamb, climbing rocks, discussing names for the lamb, piano lessons, discussing names for the lamb, choir practice....did I mention discussing names for the lamb?

As I was tucking Josh into bed at night he sighed, "Wasn't that the best day ever?"

And indeed it was, I need to see every day in that light.  Every day is a precious gift from our Creator.  The schoolwork, the craziness, the muddy footprints...they are all good.  We are alive and witnessing such beauty around us, but our vision can be clouded by our day-to-day struggles.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the inspiration...I am ready for tomorrow...whatever it brings!
