Sunday, August 7, 2011

3-Year-Old Chatter

I know that six kiddos in to this family of mine I shouldn't still be so amused by everything that a 3-year-old says.  I should have matured a bit somewhere along the way.  But it hasn't happened ~ it is as hilarious now as it was 13 years ago when my eldest twerp began trying to string full thoughts into sentences.

Dom is constantly spurting out phrases that one may or may not understand.  When we are in Wal-Mart and he wants to see the fishes I am praying like mad that someone around us understands what he is talking about, otherwise it sounds as though we must be the cussingest family around as he mixes up his f's and b's. 

He is always so excited to tell someone, anyone, what he has to say that he talks a mile-a-minute.  While out in the woods with our friends the other night, he burst from the bushes, "Uncle Wich, Uncle Wich, I found a womp!"  They were puzzled, and I translated, "Uncle Rich, I found a swamp." 
To a 3-year-old a swamp is synonymous with gold mine!

And tonight when Grandma showed up, Dom came flying around the house, "Gwamma! Thews a wabbit in the gwass!  Come see it!  We kiw them with our bb guns."
Life is good with rabbits in the grass ~ it keeps that one busy for many an hour.

I was trying to get a good picture with just my boys at the park.  But with me jumping up and down to try and keep their attention and Dom being as uncooperative as ever this is all we had to show for it.  They had more fun playing in a mud puddle anyway. 

One would think Dom was being tortured ~ 

Really, Mom, you will have to do much better than that to keep our attention...

Then, there was a toad that a friend gave to our boys.  I think the toad was suicidal.  Shortly after this picture it leapt to what I thought was its death.  After Eric peeled it off the concrete and an hour of rest it was as good as new.  The boys are still trying to decide what to name it...there is a bit of a dilemma as they are unable to locate any information on sexing baby toads and they don't want to give a girl a boy name and vice versa. 
Eric stated matter-of-factly, "Mom, we are just going to try and mate it and if it lays eggs and has more babies we'll know it's a girl, otherwise it's a boy." 

Maybe he should try to talk one of his sisters into kissing it. 

"Well, hello there, little toad."

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