Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anniversary Thoughts

Today we have been married 18 years.  I could wax poetic about these being the most blissful 18 years that I could have dreamed of, but that would be....well, that would be an untruth. 
Marriage is just so much more than what I thought it was almost two decades ago. 
Certainly, in 18 more years, a new depth of understanding will reveal itself as well. 

Our Anniversary hike, this is what I dreamed of all those years ago.

At almost every bridal shower, and wedding reception, and anniversary, the old analogy comes up comparing marriage to two people on a boat ride down a river.  The rapids, the calm water, the scenery....and on and on and on. 
Honestly, I am not an analogy person.  Just tell me how it is, thank you very much. 
BUT, every time I hear that comparison I think it is such an inaccurate representation of Shannon's and my marriage...and my mind begins to wander to what I would use if I were to use an analogy for our marriage. 

Shannon would be the boat, constantly carrying me, buoying me up.  There are times I want to jump overboard, and times that I do. 
But he is always there for me to return to, to rescue me, hold me, lift me, carry me through the rough times.
I do nothing but bob along, he navigates and ensures that I always come up with my head above water! 
And when it is all said and done, he simply stands beside me, really taking no credit for himself. 

Thank you for our marriage, Shannon. 

Thank you for the gift of YOU!

And a few pics, or more, from an incredible day with my family.

Sisterly affection, now that race day is over and done with

"You think she'll come back up?"
"Probably not.  Good thing we talked her into getting those corn dogs for dinner."

Joshie ~ taking a flying leap.

Then, there's Shan, a little higher, a little more dramatic.

And monkey see, monkey do.
We always ask Eric if someone tells him to jump off a bridge would he do it...I think this is proof!

Holy Buckets, that is cold!!!!!!!

"Dad, what the heck are you doing????"

"Nope, it wasn't me throwing rocks down there..."

One last dive before down the trail we go.

Chivalry isn't's alive and well (most of the time) right under my nose!

Happy Trails!

1 comment:

  1. Allison, we loved the pictures, that waterfall does look amazing and you and Shannon look so great! Congrats again...
    I loved that pic taken from behind of all the kids hiking behind Shannon...

    I laughed especially at your comments depicting the kids thoughts as they watched you jump in.
