Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fitting It All In

As I drove to town this morning at 5:30 and realized that it wasn't very light outside, I was overcome with a sense of urgency.  There are so many things to do and only two more weeks of  summer to accomplish anything.
It felt like the pit in my stomach I would get every summer after the fair as we shipped all our animals. 
For a couple hours I felt near panic ~ like another season had slipped away with nary a goal completed. 
I reminded myself there are still two more weeks left.
"Pull yourself together, woman, and look at what you have accomplished.  And just THINK of what you can do in two weeks!"
Thus, began my day....eating every meal outside, pulling from the pantry the sidewalk chalk I had stashed there last fall, spending part of the day with cousins, then finishing it all off with a trip to some great climbing rocks for an evening picnic and photo-op moments.

It was a full day, but I'll forget everything tomorrow. 
Again, the panic will rise in my throat, and we'll seek a full day again ~ I have a super-short memory! 

I haven't made time to get this kid his own shoes! 

We have taught Eric how to grill. Now we can retire from that job.
And his burgers....he grilled 'em up right perfect!

The future's so bright....
....we gotta wear shades.

So, I kinda thought the girls would be all over the chalk thing.
Not so. 
The boys didn't leave until they had covered the entire garage apron with their artwork.

"It's a Cwismas twee, Mom."

Good heavens, don't mention Christmas today!!!

Does he remind you of a certain cartoon character, Calvin?
"Maybe if I hold my face like this long enough, it will freeze this way."

Intentionally will this one look on our wall for the year?

Here's to an adventure filled tomorrow!

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